PMB – Library Software
PMB is a french software designed and developed by PMB Services ( The following is the list of clients to whom we offer implementation, support (sometimes cloud-based), training and development in accordance with the requirements of each organization.
- 100% web-based system
- 5 modules for information unity management
- OPAC, DSI, circulation and loan, reports, administration, authorities
- Interface adjusting in accordance with the requirements of your organization
- Easy to use for every user

Academia Colombiana de Historia
PMB system was successfully implemented for Colombian Academy of History . The project included the migration of more than 20000 registers from their Winisis system to the new library management system – PMB, as well as training and advice to the information unity’s team. PMB system is hosted on Biteca’s servers under safety protocols arranged for system management. PMB system was modified in accordance both with Academy’s graphical manual and its website’s visual parameters.

Alianza Colombo Francesa
Since 2011 Biteca has supported Alianza Francesa on PMB updating, development (tailor-made modules), and hosting (on our servers).

Archivo General de la Nación
Migration from WinISIS of more than 20000 bibliographic records. Data normalization and depuration, training, and technical support.

Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingeniería - ACOFI
In 2013 OJS and PMB were implemented in the Colombian Association of Engineering Faculties.

Colegio Loyola (República Dominicana)

Colegio Unidad Pedagógica
In 2007 PMB was implemented, the library team was trained both on system management and document cataloguing. Data of students, teachers and administrative staff were migrated to the system to allow loans, renovations, and other processes.

Comfamiliar del Atlántico
Implementation of PMB software.

Cooperativa de Lácteos de Antioquia - Colanta
Implementation of PMB –on their servers- in the Antioquia Cooperative of Dairies (Colanta), providing on-request remote assistance.

Since 2013 Biteca offers development, maintenance, and technical support to the PMB system installed on entity’s servers.

Institución Educativa - SEK (España)

Instituto Latinoamericano de Altos Estudios - ILAE
Implementation on our servers of PMB system in the Latin American Institute of High Studies, including support as well as information backups.

Escuela Superior de Guerra
Implementation on Institution’s servers of PMB software, and migration of 5000 registers from WinIsis software.

PMB system was implemented in the library to guarantee communal use.

All registers were migrated from Dspace to PMB system to assure communal search and use.

Biteca S.A.S. implemented PMB system in the Brazil Colombia Cultural Institute (IBRACO). The project included the migration of more than 5000 records from their Winisis-based system to the new library management system PMB. This system change promotes library’s services through internet: now every IBRACO user can make full on-line transactions with the library. We thank IBRACO both for the trust they have placed in Biteca’s team capacity for PMB system implementation, and for their loyalty in open-source software.

This project was developed with Copidrogas’ management, an user analysis was carried on and the library was designed and developed to be used by their own workers. After this analysis, it was decided to implement PMB. The library is currently functioning and several services beneficial to users are being structured.

Escuela de Investigación Criminal Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe