If your company spends a lot time looking for archival information, perhaps you need an Archival Information System (AIS) to find your files easily. Documents can be digitalized at the time of their arrival to the organization and so integrated into your AIS to be accessed through Intranet. AIS is installed to meet the requirements of the Quality Management System of the Archivo General de la Nación (AGN).
Depending on the volume of information, your company would have different needs.
First of all, you have to measure the volume of information. If you produce a small amount of information, your employees (especially those directly involved in the handling of documents) will probably need just a training on archive management.
A bigger amount of information will also require to organize all current documents and, probably, to implement an Archival Information Software. Public organizations must apply the so-called Documentary Retention Tables (TRD). Private companies are not obliged to do so, but if they are committed to improve efficiency these tables will guide the deleting of documents deprived of any administrative, legal, fiscal, or accounting importance.