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Digital Repositories Clients

Digital repositories: Dspace – Eprints – OMEKA – OHS

Implementation of products like E-prints, Dspace, Active Collab, Mandarin, OHS (Open Harvester System), advice and training to diverse organizations and institutes depending on their information requirements.

Fundación Universidad de América
Implementation, setting up and graphical customization of Dspace system to University’s institutional depository.
Corporación Autónoma Regional - CAR
Implementation, setting up and graphical customization of Dspace system to CAR’s repository.
Federación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma - Fedepalma
Support, technical accompaniment and graphical customization of Dspace system to Fedepalma’s repository.
Support, technical accompaniment and graphical customization of Dspace system to Findeter’s repository.
Support, technical accompaniment and graphical customization of Dspace system to IDIGER’s repository.
Universidad CES
At Universidad CES our company give support, service and harvesting to the information system of a digital repository - Dspace. In this process our company constantly update the system and check it up, solving every request proposed by users through our service desk [email protected]
Universidad Castro Carazo
At Universidad Castro Carazo our company give support, service and harvesting to the information system of a digital repository - Dspace. In this process our company constantly update the system and check it up, solving every request proposed by users through our service desk [email protected]
At UNIVERSIDAD LATINOAMERICANA DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA - ULACIT our company give support, service and harvesting to the information system of a digital repository - Dspace. In this process our company constantly update the system and check it up, solving every request proposed by users through our service desk [email protected]
Defensoría DEL PUEBLO
At Defensoría del pueblo our company give support, service and harvesting to the information system of a digital repository - Dspace. In this process our company constantly update the system and check it up, solving every request proposed by users through our service desk [email protected]
Colciencias: Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
Technical accompaniment and support on Dspace to Colciencias’ documentation center, for instance by updating and optimizing the system.
Our company gave support, service and development to the Institute of Urban Development (IDU) through the information system of a digital repository – Dspace. In this process, our company periodically updated the system and checked it up, solving every request proposed by the documentation center.
Biblioteca Virtual Colombiana
Support, technical accompaniment and graphical customization of OMEKA system to the Colombian Digital Library project.
Ministerio de Cultura
Implementation and development of Open Harvester System – OHS.
Ministerio de Minas y Energía
Implementation, support, and technical accompaniment on Dspace system to Ministry of Mines and Energy.

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