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Digital Repositories


DSpace is an open source repository software designed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and HP Labs. It is used to manage repositories of different types of digital content (text, audio, video, etc.) by allowing their organization into communities, assigning metadata to them, and allowing their diffusion to harvesters or aggregators. Because of these features a great number of academic institutions have found in this software (along with Eprints) a repository software to deposit and diffuse their scholar publications. (Rodríguez-Gairín & Sulé Duesa, 2008).

Main features:
Its main features include detailed statistical module including workflow and searches), batch of data of bibliographic formats such as EndNote, BibTeX, RIS, TSV, CSV), controlled vocabulary support, Google Analytics.


  • OAI-PMH protocol
  • Detailed statistical module including workflow and searches)
  • Batch of data of bibliographic formats such as EndNote, BibTeX, RIS, TSV, CSV)
  • Controlled vocabulary support
  • Google Analytics
Digital Repositorios

It is a technological tool to save, preserve, and spread the digital documents produced by some organization in structured ways to meet international interoperability requirements.


EPrints is an open-source software package for building open access repositories developed by the School of Electronics and Computer Science of University of Southampton. It is a flexible tool that allows a good amount of freedom in extending its functionality. It handles a wide variety of digital objects –from text to multimedia. It is not limited to structured communities or collections, it also allows creating flexible virtual collections from metadata (author, year, subject, etc.). Automatic alarm if possible duplicate deposits enter. Its design include assisting auto-archiving, Google Analytics, and OAI-PMH protocol.


It is a free, flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. Omeka is an answer to web content and electronic collections management software. It allows their users to be focused on information searching and retrieving through the same software. Results may be shared through web 2.0.


Along with Dspace implementation it is necessary to bring unique and persistent identifiers to the items to make them easy to retrieve in the long term by permanent digital objects identifiers. Handle identifier does not allow to assign the same code to different objects. Identifiers remain the same, limited to their objects even if information is migrated into new servers.

Visibility of digital repositories

We offer sitemaps and SEO tools setting to repository positioning and increase of web visibility, as well as presence on Google Scholar, WorldCat and other search and retrieve specialized services. We enable OAI-PMH address, registering it on at least 5 open-access databases both in Colombia and worldwide during the year of technical support. This applies only if an open-access repository is chosen.

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