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KOHA Clients

KOHA- Library Software

Implementation or working related to KOHA system

  • 100% web-based system
  • Robust moduls for information unity management
  • OPAC, circulation and loan, reports, administration, authorities
  • On demand interface adjusting
  • Easy for every user
Colciencias: Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
Material cataloguing for Colciencias trough KOHA system, documents related to diverse fields pertaining to the institutional mission. Support, servicing and advice in KOHA system for the documentation center of Colciencias, for example, by system updating and optimizing.
Instituto para la Investigación Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedagógico - IDEP
This project included migration from Winisis system to KOHA, team training on the information unity and functional and technical support on system operation.
Instituto Distrital de las Artes - IDARTES
This project included migration of two systems, PMB and KOHA, to a big KOHA system embracing information from every Institute’s documentary center. It also include team training on the information unity as well as technical support on demands or questions about system use.
Instituto Nacional de Salud
This project included migration from Winisis system to KOHA, team training on the information unity and functional and technical support on system operation.
Unidad Nacional para la Gestión del Riesgo y Atención de Desastres – UNGRD
Updating, support and maintenance of Institutes’ KOHA and Joomla systems.
Establishment of bodies for Regional Corporations, development of OPAC graphical interface, and migration of data.
Servicio Geológico Colombiano – SGC
Implementation of KOHA system, technical support and migration of data (95000 records), training for members both from Bogota and other places. Provision of peripherals (printers and bar code readers) and supplies for the correct functioning of their regional libraries.
Federación Nacional de Cultuvadores de Palma - Fedepalma
Support, technical accompaniment, and graphical customization of KOHA system to Fedepalma’s library management system.
Ministerio de Minas y Energía
Support, technical accompaniment, and graphical customization of KOHA system to Ministry’s library management system.
Federación de aseguradores colombianos - Fasecolda
Implementation, support, technical accompaniment, and graphical customization of KOHA system to Fasecolda’s library management system.
Biblioparque Marqués de San Jorge - Funza - Cundinamarca
Implementation, support, technical accompaniment, and graphical customization of KOHA system to Biblioparque’s library management system.
Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano
Implementation, support, technical accompaniment and graphical customization of KOHA system to Foundation’s library management system.

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