OJS Clients


OJS – Open Journal Systems – Journals and DOI codes.

Implementation of Open Journal Systems in different institutions and organizations with our company’s aid and support.

Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga
OJS implementation on Biteca’s servers, training of editorial team on system management and use, and DOI assignment to Journals’ articles.
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - ITM
OJS implementation, training of editorial team on system management and use, and DOI assignment to Journals’ articles.
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Training of editorial team on OJS management and use, graphical customization both of the website and of every article following University’s guidelines, and DOI assignment to Journals’ articles.
Instituto Nacional de Salud
Since 2010, OJS was implemented on Biteca’s servers in the National Institute of Health. The interface was modified following with Institute’s graphical identity guidelines. In 2010, after a website updating, OJS was also modified following new graphical parameters. DOI codes were assigned as well, following with international regulations. Our company offers system technical service and support, as well as functional support in the event that any question or doubt on its use arises.
Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Ingenieria - ACOFI
OJS implementation on Biteca’s servers. Our company offers system technical service and support, as well as functional support in the event that any question or doubt on its use arises.
Banco de la República
OJS was implemented in the National Bank’s editorial area in order to publish on-line the Boletín Cultural Bibliográfico and so display more than 500 articles. Periodically new information is added for the benefit of their users. The Revista Cultural (released between 2007 and 2009) is published too.
Since 2011, OJS was implemented on Biteca’s servers in Cotecmar’s Revista en Ciencia y Tecnología de Buques. For their publishing, more than 50 articles were previously converted into FLASH and HTML formats. Our company offers system technical service and support in the event that any question or doubts on system use arises. We also grant converting future released articles into required formats.
Federación Nacional de Cultuvadores de Palma - Fedepalma
In 2006 Revista Palmas’ records comprising more than 16000 pictures were digitalized with OCR (Optical Character Recognition), and converted into PDF format. A web-based JAVA CD was also created with a search engine to retrieve information by author, title, and keywords from all Journal’s issues (http://www.biteca.com/fedepalma/index.htm). In 2010 several archival documents were digitalized and ORFEO system was implemented. In 2012 OJS was implemented on Biteca’s severs in their 9 journals, and other 5 years of Revista Palmas’ records were digitalized (so displaying the entire records of 30 years). 475 issues of Boletín El Palmicultor were catalogued, and the editorial team was trained on software use. Our company offers system technical service and support as well as functional support in the event that any question or doubt on its use arises.
Universidad de América
OJS was implemented on Biteca’s servers, the editorial team was trained on its use, and DOI codes were assigned to articles.
Universidad CES
OJS was implemented on Biteca’s servers, the editorial team was trained on its use, and DOI codes were assigned to articles.
Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
Our company successfully implemented OJS in Journal Ciencia & Poder Aéreo edited by Colombian Air Force. The projected included PDF and HTML publication of all the articles included in its 9 issues, that are also displayed in SWF and FLASH in order to enhance reading experience. The electronic and print design of issue number 9 was also included, that is currently available in open access. Finally, Journal’s OJS website was customized following its graphical guidelines including a special cover displaying development.
Instituto Caro y Cuervo
Our company successfully implemented OJS in Journal Thesaurus (http://thesaurus.caroycuervo.gov.co/index.php/thesaurus) edited by Caro y Cuervo Institute. The project included system customization following Journal’s guidelines, that is, the clear design, typography, and the entire visual aspect of the print version. Indeed, these were carefully maintained in OJS design. At this time the Journal is migrating into entire electronic publication in order to breadth its targeted public.
Federación Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología
OJS was implemented on Biteca’s servers, and the editorial team was trained on its use. The system was also customized following Federation’s graphical guidelines.
Universidad Surcolombiana
Training of the editorial team on OJS use, graphical customization of OJS website in accordance with University’s graphical guidelines, support in DOI codes assignation to journal articles. An application (App) was also developed both for Android and IOS systems containing one of their journals.
Escuela Militar de Cadetes General Jose Maria Cordova
OJS was implemented on Biteca’s servers, the editorial team was trained on its use and the visual aspect of Journal’s OJS website was customized. DOI codes were assigned to articles.
Asociación Colombiana de Gastroenterologia
OJS was implemented on Biteca’s servers, the editorial team was trained on its use, and DOI codes were assigned to articles.
Escuela Superior de Guerra
OJS was implemented on Biteca’s servers, the editorial team was trained on its use, and DOI codes were assigned to articles. An application (App) was developed that displays one of their journals both for Android and IOS

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